Friday, September 18, 2009

Who are they?

We have learned over the years about history, the past, the war, the tears, the blood, the arrest, the pain, the laughter, the questions. There are a lot of unanswered questions. The questions that are eagerly waiting to be answered. Here is one  Who are some to the first African American Women to settle on the West? We hear of all the heroic tales of the women in the south and on the east-coast did anything good or bad happen on this side of Texas. Any civil rights marches, any boycotts, fights for desegregation and equality for all.  There's a book entitled African American Women Confronts the West, 1600-2000. The studies in this book are quite fascinating. What can we gain from reading this? A sense of appreciation and a lasting affect that we must carry on the legacy. We are not all ignorant yet some believe that blacks on the East take education more importantly. Are we in-tune to our histories past or is it based on who is telling the story. Lets hear from the women who went through the ordeal and see what they have to say about the matter then we will come to love and respect our her-story. 

God bless, 

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