Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Through My Eyes"

Here is a story that will go done in history of being a war against the innocence of a six-year-old African-American girl name Ruby Nell Bridges and an angry, heartless group of individuals filtered with segregation, violence, and hate. The cause was in the name of Education for all,  African-Americans, Whites and other minorities. Williams Fratz Elementary School in New Orleans was the school that accepted it’s first black student, young Miss Bridges.  The day she stepped out of the car and up the stairs in into her first grade class would become a great historical event. Outraged by her acceptance, parents pulled their children out of her class leaving Br

idges the chance to be taught more intimately and lovingly by her white teacher Ms. Barbara Henry, who greeted Bridges each day with a hug. Marshall’s escorted Bridges to school for her protection. Her mother instilled in her at a young age the importance of prayer to God for her safety and love for all. 


Her powerful story is told in her autobiography entitled "Through My Eyes." Her life long fight for education has impacted many lives. This is nothing short of a sad story but it is empowering. It depicts how a community came together to help the Bridge family overcome racial injustice and to gain civil rights. Her father was fired from his job, and her grandparents were forced to move from their home. How can adults put such a heavy burden on this precious little girl, who didn’t want any of this? She knew very little about the angry people outside of her classroom window, her concern was not to fight for desegregation, and rights for African-American but to spend her time learning. Little did she know, her very existence was enough for Blacks and Whites all over to unity and fight for equal rights. Even the littlest things done to a young child can leave a lasting impression. 


"I now know that experience comes to us for a purpose, and if we follow the guidance of the spirit within us, we will probably find that the purpose is a good one. "-Ruby Bridges


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